نشر بواسطة : Obay Salah , December 15, 2024

1. Hardware Requirements

— Check Physical RAM.

# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

We need at least 8192 MB of physical RAM

— Check Swap Space.

# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo/*

RAM up to 1024MB then swap = 2 times the size of RAM

RAM between 2049MB and 8192MB then swap = equal to the size of RAM

RAM more than 8192MB then swap size = 0.75 times the size of RAM

We need at least 8192 MB of swap

-– Check space available in /tmp

# df -h /tmp/*

You need to have at least 2048 MB of space in the /tmp directory.

-– Check space for Oracle Software and pre-configured database.

# df -h

Space requirement for Oracle 19c Software Enterprise Edition 10G.

-– Check processors info

# grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo

This command displays the processor type. Verify that the processor architecture matches the Oracle software release that you want to install.

2. Verify OS version

cat /etc/redhat-release
cat /etc/oracle-release

3. Download Software

Download the Oracle software from OTN or MY ORACLE SUPPORT (MOS).


4- Create Oracle home directory and give ownership to Oracle user.

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_home
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
chmod -R 775 /u01

5- Setup Oracle user bash_profile

su - oracle
vi .bash_profile

Delete all and paste below. Make sure to change environment variables according to your environment

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
	. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_home


export PATH

Export bash profile

. .bash_profile

6- Unzip Software

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
unzip LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip

7. Oracle Installation Prerequisites.

# yum install -y oracle-database-preinstall-19c

8- Set the DISPLAY Environment.

Log into the oracle user. If you are using X emulation then set the DISPLAY environmental variable.

# export DISPLAY=;

9- Invoke ./runInstaller

10- Verify

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ pwd
[oracle@rac1 bin]$
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
[oracle@rac1 bin]$
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ ./sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Jan 26 02:26:02 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter user-name:

علامات : Database

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